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Sports Drink

💧Is The Sport Drink Effective?

Yes. We crafted our Sports Drink with a low osmolality and followed the World Health Organization’s guide to a proper Oral Rehydration Solution. That means our high electrolyte and low sugar formula is quickly absorbed by your body and hydrates you f

🍉 How Do The Sports Drinks Taste?

Our Sports Drinks have a great, refreshing flavor that isn’t too sweet and easy to drink during or after a workout. They're perfect to drink during or after a workout.

🏃When Should I Drink The Sports Drinks?

Our Sports Drink is intended to be consumed during or after a workout to stay properly hydrated. However, with such low sugar and calorie levels, it is perfectly healthy to drink at any time throughout the day, especially if you’re feeling dehydrated

🥥Is It Just Coconut Water?

Our Sports Drink is not ‘just a coconut water’. We use organic coconut water as a naturally functional ingredient because it is high in electrolytes, but low in sugar. We then add Himalayan pink salt to provide additional electrolytes (sodium), which

♻ Why Is It In This packaging?

Our Sports Drink has no acid preservatives. We use the Tetra Pak package in order to be shelf-stable without any additives or preservatives. And having no acid preservatives means that NOOMA doesn’t cause acid reflux or stomach issues. Many tradition